sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015


Guru Rinpoche drawn by the 17th H.H. Karmapa. Whoever see it or heard about it, they all will be blessed

His Holiness The Karmapa: "In degenerate times, it is very important to practice Guru Rinpoche. My parents have tremendous devotion to him. When I was five or six, I had to do a practice based on the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche... Since my childhood, I have maintained a deep and abiding connection with Guru Padmasambhava. Right from the beginning of my life my parents had great faith in Guru Padmasambhava and I would recite the 7line prayer. We were nomadic and had to move our tent to different places in the summer and winter. Everyone wanted the best place for grass and water. My father told me to recite the 7-line prayer and I would recite it all day. If my father got a good place for our tent he would say, " You must have recited it very well". If we didn't get a good place he would say, "I'm sure you didn't recite it very well". One day there was dark red smoke in the sky. The chief of our area said there was a fire in the mountains and if the fire burned the grass, all the food for the cattle would be destroyed. I went on top of a hill and recited the 7 line prayer and blew into the air. I don't know whether it helped or not but the fire didn't come to our place. The chief gave me one yuan and I was very happy and showed it to my parents. I had never before received a present. I had this kind of connection with Guru Padmasambhava. Even now, I have the same connection." ... pic Guru Rinpoche drawn by the 17th H.H. Karmapa. Whoever see it or heard about it, they all will be blessed... Emoticon heartEmoticon heart

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